Local study visits for the exchange of good practices took place in Radviliškis, Klaipėda and Kretinga regions on 4 and 26 September 2024, where local farmers and tourism providers presented their newly developed or upgraded services, products and experiences of participation in various networks in the field of culinary tourism. Local product and service developers, researchers, representatives of non-governmental organisations and public organisations responsible for the implementation of agricultural and rural development policy in Lithuania were invited to take part in these field trips.
Two pilot regions were selected for the implementation of these activities in Lithuania - Radviliškis, Klaipėda and Kretinga districts, where over the last 1,5 years the creation and/or renewal of these goods and services has been taking place consistently, firstly by creating their own business canvas, then presenting their ideas in organised hackathons, and finally by creating and testing their goods and services with potential consumers.
In the village of Panekelpiai in Radviliškis district, the owners of the farmhouse organised a tasting of newly developed elderberry products, where there was an opportunity to taste elderberry lemonade, elderberry syrup, elderberry gummies and other products. The community of Pociūnėliai presented a newly developed tasting programme "Beetroot paradise", where different dishes made from beetroot were tasted. The tasting and educational programme 'Mead River Flowed' by the MB 'Šušvės midus' introduced participants to the technology of mead production and the peculiarities and characteristics of mead itself. The educational programme of the Gudžiūnai community was aimed at introducing the services provided by the community by tasting their products.
The Kretinga municipality has chosen a unique place for the presentation of the newly developed tastings - the Museum of the historical Lithuanian personality Motiejus Valančius, where the Kretinga municipality plans to organise regular tastings of local food. At the museum, participants tasted honey and tea products from Petras Pušinskas, and products from organic farmer Tadas Mockus, as well as the benefits for health by consuming these products. The presentation of homemade bread in various flavours was organised by Vida Viskontienė, who presented the education "Žemaitiška patieka". Later, the participants of the programme tried a tasting and educational programme at the "Atgaivos" homestead, led by Žydrūnas Drazdas. The event was crowned by "Strykis" - a fish market in Dreverna, which a few months ago started organising education on fish farming and care, as well as tastings of fish dishes.
These tasting and educational tours provided participants with information and ideas on how the provision and marketing of food and tourism services is compatible with local and regional tourism objectives, the importance of networking and participation in existing networks, and how such linkages increase the visibility and economic benefits of products and services.
These activities were organised in the framework of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2024-2027 project "BASCIL - Innovative solutions for rural food producers: promoting diversification of activities through culinary tourism services". The project aims to increase the resilience of local food producers in rural areas and promote sustainable growth through diversification of activities and culinary tourism services. For more information on the project: https://interreg-baltic.eu/project/bascil/.
Project implementation team in Lithuania:
Dr. Živilė Gedminaitė-Raudonė, zivile.gedminaite@ekvi.lt
Dr. Rita Lankauskienė, rita.lankauskiene@ekvi.lt
Dr. Vitalija Simonaitytė, vitalija.simonaityte@ekvi.lt