Many discussions have taken place on successful implementation of all 7 priorities defined in the Smart specialization strategy for Lithuania since beginning of its preparation in 2012. During this period many suggestions by various interest groups were proposed how to achieve better results. Participants of the INTERREG Baltic Sea region programme 2014-2020 project “Learning among regions on Smart Specialization” representing seven countries of the Baltic Sea Region, have proposed a number of measures for Lithuanian smart specialization developers and implementers to support the implementation of the smart specialization strategy for Lithuania. During project implementation in 2018-2020 research and focus group meetings on assessment of cooperation between four quadruple helix members for implementation one of the seven top priorities of smart specialization strategy for Lithuania ‘Energy and sustainable environment’ were organized. Results have demonstrated than only small part of potential of Lithuanian’s smart specialization is used. One of the identified barriers is lack of cooperation between different stakeholders of quadruple helix. The results of the research have demonstrated that, despite willingness of all types of institutions to cooperate, cooperation is slow. In many cases various discussions are dominating, unfortunately there is insignificant number of real cooperation action with focus on creation of innovations.
Full version of recommendations you can find here:
More information about project:
Project leader in Lithuania dr. Zivile Gedminaite-Raudone
Tel. (8 5) 261 7071,;
Project principal researcher Dr. Rita Vilke
Tel. (85) 2624156, el.p.
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