On March 9-13 2020 representatives of LAEI were invited to participate in the meeting "Innovation-driven agri-food sectors for a European industrial renaissance" in Portugal that is part of the AgriRennaisance project financed by the INTERREG Europe programme. At the meeting, participants shared their experience of innovation in the agri-food sectors in Spain, Portugal, Lithuania and Poland. The project partner in Portugal, Agrocluster in the Central Region of Portugal, presented their networking experience with research institutions, government officials and non-governmental organizations. The members of the food cluster successfully cooperate with scientific institutions operating in the region (Instituto Politecnico de Santarem, Instituto Politecnico de Tomar, Universidade de Aveiro) in order to improve food products or develop new technologies for processing.
Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics is a social partner of the INTERREG Europe funded project AgriRennaisanse in Lithuania. The overall objective of AgriRenaissance is to improve regional development policies and programmes under the Investment for Growth and Jobs goal in order to increase R&I resources and capacities of the agri-food sector, stimulate collaboration and foster its hybridization.
AgriRenaissance project is coordinated by the Government of La Rioja and implemented by seven partners representing science, business and public sector institutions from five European regions: Spain (Association for Research, Development and Innovation of the Agri-Food sector), Italy (Calabria region), Poland (Mazovia region), Portugal (Central region) and Lithuania (National Paying Agency). LAEI is the social partner of the project. Project implementation duration: June 1 2018 - May 31 2022. Further information on AgriRenaissance project is available on the website at: https://www.interregeurope.eu/agrirenaissance/.
More information can be provided by:
Dr. Živilė Gedminaitė-Raudonė
Tel. (+370 5) 261 7071, el.p.zivile.gedminaite@laei.lt