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LIAE scientists are social partners of the “Agri Renaissance” project, funded by Interreg Europe

LIAE scientists are social partners of the “Agri Renaissance” project, funded by Interreg Europe

LIAE scientists participated in the social partners‘ meeting of the project „Agri Renaissance - Innovation-driven agri-food sectors for a European industrial renaissance“, funded by the Interreg Europe program, which took part on July 3, 2019 at the headquarters of the National Paying Agency (NMA) in Vilnius, Lithuania. The overall objective of „Agri Renaissance“ is to improve regional development policies and programmes under the Investment for Growth and Jobs goal in order to increase R&I resources and capacities of the agri-food sector, stimulate collaboration and foster its hybridization.


During the event, the currently reached results of the project were presented - identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the Lithuanian R&I infrastructure and capacities, R&I public and private collaboration and hybridization of the agri-food sector with other sectors. The current results of the project are gathered through generating summarized insights from Focus groups, organized in November 27, 2018 and February 15 2019 and also expert visit to Lithuania on March 20-21, 2019.


LIAE Scientists Dr Zivile Gedminaite-Raudone and Dr Rita Vilke participated in group discussions on proposals for action plan, taking advantage of identified strengths and opportunities, tackling appropriate measures to fight identified weaknesses and threats in innovation development in Lithuanian agricultural and food sectors.


The Agri Renaissance project is co-ordinated by the Government of La Rioja (Spain) and implemented by seven partners representing science, business and public sector institutions from five European regions: Spain (the Association for Research, Development and Innovation of the Agri-Food Sector), Italy (Calabria Region), Poland (Mazovia Region), Portugal (Central Region) and Lithuania (National Paying Agency).LIAE is the project's social partner.


Duration of the project: 2018 June 1 - 2022 May 31st


More information on the ongoing “Agri Renaissance” project is available at: https://www.interregeurope.eu/agrirenaissance/


Project’s Social Partner Representative in Lithuania


Dr Zivile Gedminaite-Raudone

Tel. (+370 5) 261 7978, e-mail:zivile.gedminaite@laei.lt


Dr Rita Vilke

Tel. (+370 5) 262 04156, e-mail: rita.vilke@laei.lt
