The purpose of the article by the study is shown - to identify the needs of organic farmers and the provision of individual consultations and evaluation knowledge of consultants, developing such activities. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, on which a questionnaire was prepared and some of the organic farmers were interviewed during events (74 properly completed forms were received). Empirical research results helped to identify respondents lack of the knowledge areas, their main reason slow use of advisory services (poor briefing), the evaluation of consultants working in this field (priority for part timeorganic farmers and part time advisors). The results and conclusions imply additional opportunities for a better organic farming consultancy, consultants’ competence development trends. This causes additional assumptions consistent organic farming and organic products market development in the country.
Key words: advisor, individual consultations, organic farming.
JEL Codes: Q16, D83, I25, O13.
Skulskis, V.; Stanikūnas, D.; Žekonienė, V. 2013. Ekologiškai ūkininkaujančiųjų konsultavimas:poreikiai ir vertinimai, Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development = Vadybos mokslas ir studijos - kaimo verslų ir jų infrastruktūros plėtrai 35(4): 615-622. (ISSN 1822-6760 (print) / ISSN 2345-0355 (online)) [EBSCO host: Business source complete nuo 2006 (EBSCO sąrašas) Central & Eastern European Academic Source nuo 2006 (EBSCO sąrašas); Ulrich’s; IndexCopernicus].