The aim of the article is to represent the government’s compensation calculation method for pig breeders in buffer zones, which should compensate for not breeding pigs temporarily and compel farmers to report about ASF cases. As well, to analyze the pig-breeding situation and the main factors, which show that Lithuania is at high risk zone for ASF disease dissemination. The main risk estimators of ASF introduction into the Lithuania are density of outbreaks of ASF virus in a wild boar and in domestic pigs and low-biosecurity farms within the country and in neighboring countries, density of wild boar and pigs within the country. The calculation of the compensation for pig breeders in the buffer zone is represented. The estimated coefficients of pig production cycle and pig breeder’s income and remuneration in the pig breeder’s future income should compensate for not breeding pigs temporarily and compel pig breeders to report about ASF outbreaks.
Key words: African Swine Fever, pig breeding, wild boars, risk estimators, compensation, buffer zone.
Gapšys A., Dabkienė V. 2014. African swine fever risk assessment and compensation calculation methodology: Lithuanian case In Ekonomika APK 10:85-91. ISSN 2221-1055 [Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), Russian scientific electronic library:; EBSCO Publishing, Inc.,; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory USA:; V.Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine :; Index Copernicus, AGRIS, USA, website:; American Economic Association: EconLit, USA, website:].
Mokslo publikacija:African swine fever risk assessment and compensation calculation methodology: Lithuanian case