The EU pays much attention to the rural development. First of all, agricultural production is the basis for the development of the processing industry; it also enables the supply of food products. Secondly, it is important to preserve natural resources and reduce the climate change. Thirdly, it is necessary to improve living standards of the rural inhabitants in order to maintain a viable countryside, preserve biodiversity and environment for the future generations. While implementing EU and Lithuanian strategic provisions, it is necessary to properly identify rural development priorities for researches. For this purpose it is needed to focus on Lithuanian scientific potential, to concentrate human and financial resources, which are limited. 27 rural development applied research themes are formulated in the view of the EU and Lithuanian strategic documents in the scientific article, needs of applied research and innovation to the rural development for business and NGO determined, proposals for Lithuanian rural development program for 2014-2020 presented. The research results were obtained through scientific institutions, rural business and NGO. For this aim, the focus group was formed and conducted the survey of respondents who the majority expressed the need for applied research under the theme to increase the potential of work places and sustainable rural development.
JEL codes: M10, Q16, D83, O31.
Keyword(s): rural development, applied research, priority directions, inovations, strategy.
Aleknevičienė, V.; Skulskis, V.; Šarauskis, E.; Kriaučiūnienė, Z.; Šakickienė, A. 2015. Taikomųjų kaimo plėtros mokslinių tyrimų poreikis Lietuvoje. Management theory and studies for rural business and infrastructure development = Vadybos mokslas ir studijos - kaimo verslų ir jų infrastruktūros plėtrai 37(2):155-166. DOI: (ISSN 1822-6760 (print) / ISSN 2345-0355 (online)) [EBSCO, Business Source Complete, Ulrich’s, DOAJ, OAJI, IndexCopernicus, ERIH PLUS].
Scentific Publication: Demand of applied research for rural development in Lithuania (in Lithuanian language)