Simulation of Sustainable Farming Practices Development in Lithuania (In Lithuanian language)
Sustainable development of the agricultural sector, for which the successful implementation of the policy is important, is an integral part of the quantitative assessment of the potential impact of the newly implemented agri-environmental measures on the agricultural sector. The article deals with the problem of the conflict between the coordination of private economic and public political interests to contribute to sustainable farming. The aim of the research is to identify and assess the impact of the most important agrienvironmental measures on structural, environmental, economic and social developments in the agricultural sector. A modeled scenario analysis and assessment was carried out using a mathematical programming model.
sustainable farming practices, organic farming, integrated farming, mathematical programming, simulation, scenario analysis
GalnaitytėA.;Kriščiukaitienė I. 2017. Simulation of Sustainable Farming Practices Development in Lithuania. Public Policy and Administration.Vol 16, No 2, p. 264-278 . ISSN online 2029-2872 / ISSN print 1648-2603. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13165/VPA-17-16-2-07. [Scopus; EBSCO Publishing; Inc.; C.E.E.O.L.; PROQUEST; ULRICH'S]