This article discusses the differences between economic cooperation incentives and forms in industrial and post-industrial societies and introduces a cooperative model based on the concept of a two-sided network as an essentially new phenomenon appropriate to the post-industrial era. During the last decade the concept of a two-sided network (market) is exploited mostly by ICT business however, in the opinion of authors, it has potential to become the general theoretical background for revision of cooperative movement goals and means relevant to the post-industrial economy.
Keywords: Cooperative movement; Two-sided network; Post-industrial economy.
Vidickienė, D.; Melnikienė, R.; Gedminaitė-Raudonė, Ž. 2016. The influence of the post-industrial economy on economic cooperation needs and forms, In Taisch, F.; Jungmeister,A.; Gernet, H. Genossenschaftliche Identität und Wachstum = Cooperative Identity and Growth, 18 th Conference Proceeding of ICCS 2016 in Lucerne/Switzerland, p. 495-502. Raiffeisen Schweiz, St. Gallen. ISBN 978-3-033-05782-1.