The article analyses the potential of the Lithuanian food and beverages industry to withstand the competitive pressure in EU markets under the circumstances of a constantly changing environment as well as evaluates a possible development of competitive advantages of this sector and an opportunity to increase its competitiveness. The food industry has always been an important sector in the structure of the Lithuanian manufacturing industry. Over the last decade, the share of the food industry in the gross value added of the country decreased slightly, however, after the crisis, the share in the export doubled. In this period the growth of the food industry of Lithuania was one of the highest in the EU. The purpose of the study is to determine the competitiveness of the food industry in Lithuania and further development of the sector. Methods of the investigation - a systematic, logical and comparative analysis of the scientific literature, assessment of the dynamics of the food sector using systematizing statistics. The main differences in productivity at the EU level can be defined as outdated technologies, the level of machinery and equipment that do not meet the EU requirements. Small businesses have little ability to attract large investments to upgrade technology. For this reason, capital consumption in the food industry in Lithuania is less than in the EU. Under existing technological processes is quite difficult to ensure the competitiveness of food products both in domestic and foreign markets. Low labor productivity, compared with other EU countries, because of relatively low wages, but the latter gap within other EU countries is smaller than in the case of labor productivity.
Key words: competitiveness, food industry, competitive advantage.
Сталгиене, A.; Едик, A.; Гинейтиене, З. 2015. Возможности конкурентоспособности пищевой промышленности в Литве In Perspectiva academică / Международная научная конференция состоялась в университете "Перспектива - INT" на тему "Развитие высшего образования, демократического общества и рыночной экономики в европейском контексте. Выпуск II ", с 16 по 17 апреля 2014 года, Кишинев университет" Перспектива-ИНТ ", 2015. 5:228-240.ISBN 978-9975-4061-8-5, ISBN 978-9975-3045-5-9.