This paper aims to identify the main risk groups according to their significance on imports of agricultural products. After analysis of the scientific literature, eight groups of risks associated with agricultural products import were determined: supply risks, demand risks, production risks, management plus operational risks, logistical plus infrastructural risks, political risks, policy plus regulatory risks and financial risks. In order to assess the importance of all import risk groups, three Multicriteria decision support methods (MCDM)—SAW, TOPSIS and Geometric means—for expert evaluation are used.
Authors:Daiva Jurevičienė
This paper proposes a multi-criteria decision framework for promotion of the heating systems based on the renewable energy sources. The objective and subjective data are taken into consideration by the virtue of the relevant quantitative techniques. The paper integrates the Best-Worst method (BWM) and modifies the Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) method. The BWM is utilized for eliciting the weights of the criteria during the expert survey. We apply the interval-normalized WASPAS for the multi-criteria ranking of the heating technologies.
Such large-scale disruptions as the pandemic increase the uncertainty and risk related to business. Therefore, the business continuity management (BCM) has become an essential technical solution for enterprise emergency response. Since the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 has spread worldwide at an alarming rate causing many threats to sustainable development of the business sector. The decline in consumer demand has hugely impacted service industries, such as wholesale and retail sales, tourism. Enterprise production and operations have faced severe challenges. In this study, we develop a risk factor analysis of BCM under the presence of COVID-19 in China.
This paper presents a framework for analyzing the changes in agricultural labor productivity with regards to the structural, land intensity, and land productivity effects. This approach allows for the residual-free decomposition of data from different levels of aggregation. The logarithmic mean Divisia index was applied for the analysis and a data envelopment analysis model was constructed to identify potential gains in agricultural labor productivity due to the optimization of input use and output production.
Unintended outputs, as non-market goods, may have no exchange value and require shadow pricing to investigate the abatement costs. Unlike previous research, which assumes homogeneous production technology for decision-making units in the shadow price analysis, this paper considers group and global production frontiers. The ratio of group to global shadow prices is derived to indicate the position with respect to the tangent point (i.e., equal shadow prices) of the group and global technologies.
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is expected to boost the economic and technological cooperation among the participating countries. In this paper, we argue that the economic and environmental efficiency can be used as measures identifying the best practice in the BRI. However, the results of the analysis may be affected by perturbations in the data and outlying observations. The outliers may lead to biased policy implications. Unlike previous research, this paper compares economic and environmental performance in developing countries using both convex and nonconvex production technologies based on a nonparametric framework.
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the power of social media in the dissemination of information. The current pandemic has hurt not only social media users but also on state's sustainable development. As a result, the present study seeks to understand the reasons for using social media during the COVID 19 pandemic by screening various topics and assessing the impact of misinformation on social media, primarily psychological and mental effects. The study utilized a quantitative research design. Participants were individuals between the age of twenty and fifty. Data was collected using a questionnaire shared online to the 360 participants.
Authors:dr. Dalia ŠtreimikienėIERDHarith Yas Ahmad Jusoh Abbas Mardani Khalil Md Nor Abeer Alatawi Jameela Hanoon Umarlebbe
Improving green innovation efficiency (GIE) is crucial for attaining sustainability in China’s stage of high-quality development. However, there is a paucity of research on the roles of and links among the government and market in GIE. This study bridges this research gap by unifying marketization, local government competition, and GIE into one empirical framework. First, we extend a super-efficiency Ray slacks-based measure model to evaluate provincial GIE in China during 1997-2018 and then analyze its evolution of spatial-temporal dynamics. Subsequently, marketization, local government competition, and GIE are incorporated into a nest of spatial panel models to address the endogeneity concerns resulting from model misspecification and omitted variables.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on a firms’ sales growth and to assess the mediating role of competitive advantage and the moderating role of the employee’s individual belief of social responsibility (SR) on the relationship between CSR and sales growth of small and medium enterprises. A survey of 107 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the consumption and manufacturing industry of a developing country was performed.
Productivity analysis has been an important avenue for economic research. Therefore, medleys of quantitative techniques have been proposed to operationalize productivity analysis. In this article, an extended by‐production model is discussed and applied to ensure a link between the production and the pollution‐generating subtechnologies.