Recommender systems were introduced to improve the online shopping experience by recommending appropriate products and services to customers according to their preferences. This research develops a new model by identifying the factors that influence customers’ purchase intention in recommender systems. The research model of this study was developed by reviewing the previous studies on web-based information systems, e-commerce and recommender systems.
Authors:dr. Dalia ŠtreimikienėIERDVahid Mohseni Roudposhti Mehrbakhsh Nilashi Abbas Mardani Sarminah Samad Mohammad Dalvi-Esfahani
Over the last decade, Lithuanian pork sector faced dramatic changes, where trade relations with Russia had an important role. The research problem is defined as follows: how does the trade ban of Russia, imposed towards live pigs and pork originating from Lithuania, affect price changes on domestic Lithuanian pork market?
Purpose – The new programming period of 2021-2027 of the European Union (EU) Common Agricultural Policy requires reconsidering the policy measures. In the new period, the European Commission is to allow each member state (MS) developing eco-schemes to support and/or incentivise farmers to observe agricultural practices beneficial for the climate and the environment beyond their mandatory requirements. The purpose of this paper is to compare the performance of organic and conventional family farms.
Authors:dr. Tomas BaležentisIERDdr. Aistė GalnaitytėIERDdr. Virginia NamiotkoIERD Lina NovickytėIERD Xueli Chen
Bioeconomy is an important element of European Union (EU) political agenda. Promotion of bioenergy is one of the main aspects of bioeconomy strategy. The aim of this paper is to show how the development of bioenergy can contribute to climate change (and the associated policy). Specifically, we look into the possible reduction of GHG emissions within the framework of Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC).
The preservation and nurturance of national heritage products, which are inherent to particular localities, are very significant for the economic, social vitality and sustainable development of a country. National handicrafts are a means of maintaining national identity, originality, and distinction in a constantly changing world. For a long time Lithuania was an agrarian country, so its cultural heritage and handicrafts are closely related to the rural environment, culture, traditions, and materials.
he broad society had already issued the question about the EU support distribution principles for agriculture of ongoing period with regard to chief beneficiaries from direct payments and other support measures. The changing understanding of responsibilities, which arise alongside the farming activities, keep shaping the industrial meaning of agriculture as public goods’ provider.
The changing economic and social situation in the regions leads to the changing understanding of the potential which exists in the countryside. This research is based on the idea that farmers operate in close neighbourhood with the local communities and therefore they may hold a potential to start innovation processes in rural regions as agents of change. This may happen individually or together with the local community.
During last decades the essential shift occurred in the structure of the economy from industrial product-driven to the post-industrial service-driven economic system. A growing number of manufacturing firms throughout the world are shifting from selling goods in anonymous market to offering more and more services alongside their products. This movement is termed “servitization”. The movement is pervading almost all industries but still is weak in agriculture.
Mohammad Dalvi-Esfahani, Hamed Shahbazi, Mehrbakhsh Nilashi, Sarminah Samad, Abbas Mardani, Dalia Streimikiene
Dalvi-Esfahani M., Shahbazi H., Nilashi M., Samad S., Mardani A., Streimikiene D. 2018. Factors Influencing Beliefs Formation towards the Adoption of Social Commerce in SME Travel Agencies. In Economics and Sociology, Vol.11, No.3, p.207-225, ISSN 2071-789X; DOI: 10.14254/2071- 789X.2018/11-3/13; [Indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index].
The planning of sustainable energy systems has been acknowledged as a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problem. However, most of the earlier literature has considered public and private impacts of the energy generation technologies in a stand-alone way. In this paper, it is argued that the sustainable planning of the energy systems and components thereof should involve both types of impacts simultaneously in the MCDM.
Authors:dr. Tomas BaležentisIERDChonghui Zhang Qin Wang Shouzhen Zeng Dalia Štreimikienė Ilona Ališauskaitė-Šeškienė Xueli Chen