This paper proposes MULTIMOORA-IFN2 technique for multi-criteria decision making (MCDM). The proposed approach involves information fusion which allows considering information expressed in both crisp and fuzzy variables. What is more, we introduce the aggregation of the different parts of MULTIMOORA which makes the technique more operational, especially in case of large-scale applications.
Rasa Melnikienė, Dalia Vidickienė
Melnikienė R., Vidickienė D. 2019. Lietuvos žemės ūkio politikos vertinimas remiantis kokybinės struktūros analizės metodu. Viešoji politika ir administravimas /Public policy and administration. Vol. 18, No 1, p. 52-67, online ISSN 2029-2872; print ISSN 1648-2603; [Scopus; EBSCO Publishing; Inc.; C.E.E.O.L.; PROQUEST; ULRICH'S].
Growth of PRC’s influence as a leading trade country has consequences for its trading partners; at the same time, over the past years China has become one of Ukraine’s major trading partners. Studying current specificities of the countries’ bilateral trade, opportunities and threats relating to it, developmental perspectives of trade-economic cooperation between Ukraine and PRC therefore certainly warrents further research.
Authors:Agota Giedrė Raišienė Olha Yatsenko Vitalii Nitsenko Nataliia Karasova
The effects of globalization have often been adverse for the agricultural sector, especially its most vulnerable element—the small farm. The importance of the agricultural sector as a whole and small farms in the sense of ensuring food security, employment and viability of rural areas, implies a necessity to support the sector and small farms in particular.
Authors:dr. Artiom VolkovIERDdr. Tomas BaležentisIERDdr. Mangirdas MorkūnasIERDdr. Dalia ŠtreimikienėIERD
The paper aims to analyse the situation in Lithuanian carrot market and focus on the changes of agricultural production, structure of foreign trade, and vertical price transmission along the supply chain over the period of 2011-2017. The conducted research evidences that over the analysed seven years carrot production in Lithuania has shrank. Harvested area dropped from 2,400 to 1,800 ha, while the harvest reduced by more than 1/3. The key driving forces behind the negative development trends were prolonged unfavourable weather conditions and the Russian import ban of 2014.
Our article concentrates to the main aim - to assess the impact of emigration on an origin economy. This topic was chosen because the theoretical research has disclosed that the positive impact of emigration usually manifests through monetary transfers to a native country while the negative impact mainly emerges as a reduction in the labour force, which, in its turn, causes deterioration of a country’s demographic and economic situation.
Authors:Rita Remeikienė Gasparėnienė Ligita
In former socialist countries, urban districts having the lowest building and insulation quality and the highest district heat consumption overlap with low-income and older households, creating a problem of energy poverty and a significant barrier to renovation of multi-flat buildings. Thus, the main challenge centers on fuel poverty in an aging society.
Intelligent agricultural solutions require data on the environmental impacts of agriculture. In order for operationalize decision-making for sustainable agriculture, one needs to establish the corresponding datasets and protocols. Increasing anthropogenic CO2 emissions into the atmosphere force the choice of growing crops aimed at mitigating climate change. For this reason, investigations of seasonal carbon exchange were carried out in 2013-2016 at the Training Farm of the Vytautas Magnus University (former Aleksandras Stulginskis University), Lithuania. This paper compares the carbon exchange rate for different crops, viz., maize, ley, winter wheat, spring rapeseed and barley under conventional farming.
The main purpose of this article is to identify the motives of investing in land and arable land and determine the choices of such investment. The empirical research, based on the method of expert evaluation, fills the gap of the investment in land observed in scientific literature.
Authors:Rita Remeikienė Gasparėnienė Ligita Romualdas Ginevičius
China’s remarkable economic growth during the past four decades has resulted in a number of environmental problems. However, very few studies have addressed the interactive impact of both income and air pollution on public health. Thus, an innovative contribution of this paper is to test whether household income growth (HIG) can mitigate the health risks resulting from air pollution in China